Monday, March 22, 2010


I wouldn't be awake without it. It smells good, it tastes good, it makes it possible to sleep only 5 hours a night. I have a cup every morning before I leave for school, one when I get there, and usually one right before I leave for home. And I'm always happy to stop at Starbucks. It's terrible for the environment, but I feel damn cool walking around holding my Starucks cup. That's why I want this:


Friday, March 12, 2010

Dancing In The Rain

We are here to show you the best possible way to live your life.

This blog will be a list of things you should take the time to stop and appreciate.

Starting with dancing in the rain...

It just makes you really happy. Rain is always associated with bad things, sadness, but dancing in the rain makes you feel really alive. It's like you're making the best out of a bad situation. For a lot of people, rain is a reason to stay inside. Don't be one of them.
Unless you have a really good book to read or there's something really good on TV (shark week). But we'll get to that later.
song - Stand In The Rain by Superchic(k)
photo from photobucket